4-H Council & County Committees
What is 4-H Council?
4-H Council is an organization made up of 2 youth and 2 adult representatives from each 4-H club.
They plan 4-H activities & events that take place at the county level. 4-H Council serves as a "Learning Laboratory" for youth to learn a variety of leadership skills.
They plan & coordinate county wide activities such as 4-H Day, Fashion Revue, Achievement Banquet, project workshops, Day Camps and are empowered to raise and disburse funds for such activities.
The 4-H Council is not a policy setting body nor does it approve the focus of Extension 4-H Youth Development programming.
4-H Council representatives have these responsibilities:
- Know the club members you represent
- Attend all 4-H Council meetings
- Represent the opinions of your club
- Report back to your 4-H club
- Work on Council activities
4-H Council meetings are generally held the first Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. in these months:
- October (election of officers)
- December
- February
- April
- June
- August