Walk Kansas
Walk Kansas is an 8-week walking program encouraging family members, schoolmates, co-workers, friends, and neighbors to come together as a team. Participants will set goals for health and fitness. A Team Captain will recruit 5 people to make a 6-member team who will collectively walk 423 miles, the distance across Kansas. (For 2024 smaller teams or Solo teams are allowed, a team can be formed with only 4 members or you can be on your own on a special route.)
This is an exceptional opportunity to promote health and fitness to the entire family, from small children to grandparents, while building family unity. It's a great way to enjoy time together as a group or one-on-one with a child or teenager.
March 31 through May 25, 2024
Registration now open!
Come join the fun!
Registrations will be completed on line for 2024.
Checks for registration fees can be mailed to or dropped off at the Extension office in your county.
Click on the logo above or the link below to start the process.
Again for 2024 all shirts are ordered
with your completed registration & are shipped to you directly from NZone using your debit or credit card.
To order
Walk Kansas Apparel
use this link.
The colors this
year are Raspberry Heather,
Navy Heather & Purple Heather.
2024 Captain's Packet
2024 Participant's Packet
Walk Kansas Smart Phone App Directions
Remember there's are Apple & Android WK Apps!!
Watch a short video "Why I Walk"
Watch a short clip from K-State on how to properly do a squat.
Concerned about your bone health? Take a few minutes to watch this short
video fro
Dr. Susan Brown.
It could be just what you need.
Watch a video spot from K-State on how to properly do a squat using a dumbbell.
Useful Info to keep you healthy.
Physical Activity Guidelines 2nd Edition
2023 Newsletters
Week 1 - English
The first issue, of the Walk Kansas newsletter, provides information on the following topics: Finding YOUR "why" to be more active; get off to a good start with a warm-up, cool-down, and good walking posture; and make sure you try the recipe for this delicious grain bowl!! |
Week 2 - English
Where does your motivation come from? This week we discuss internal and external motivation, and how internal motivators have staying power. As the weather warms up (some days) you can change your brain by getting outside - learn more about these benefits. We start off with an exploration of an eating style focused on MyPlate and daily food-group targets. You can implement this eating style by trying the recipe for Extra Veggie Steak Stir Fry!
Week 3 - English
This week, learn why muscle strength matters and how to incorporate tiny habits, in your daily routine, to increase movement. Another topic is sleep hygiene -- a combination of sleeping conditions and lifestyle habits that result in quality sleep. This week, we focus on the Mediterranean eating style and highlight a French Potato Salad recipe -- one that uses oil instead of mayonnaise. |
Week 4 - English
Exercise and Your Blood Sugar
Week 5 - English
Exercise and Your Knees |
Week 6 - English
Exercise and the Heart