What is 4-H?

4-H is about growing and learning, but it's also about having fun.

Who: Youth ages 7 - 18 years of age (on January 1 of the current year) from across the county can participate in 4-H. Youth ages 5 and 6 (on January 1 of the current year) can participate in Cloverbuds, a program that allows children to explore 4-H projects in a non competitive way.

What: Join a club that meets monthly to build life skills through hands-on learning experiences. These may include practicing parliamentary procedures during club meetings, giving a talk, making a project or carrying out community service projects.

How: 4-H uses research-based project information to empower youth to do things they've never done before in a creative and confident way.Best of all, you can choose your level of participation – as much or as little as you have time for.

When: 4-H organizes for the new year each October 1. Returning members must re-enroll by December 1st in order to exhibit in the 4-H division at the Barton County Fair. Youth may join throughout the year, but new members must join by March 1 if they intend to participate in the Barton County Fair.

(Some projects have earlier enrollment deadlines. Visit with the local Extension Office for specific dates.)

4-H teaches youth to analyze information, make decisions, communicate effectively, prepare for careers, serve their communities and plan for healthy lifestyles - all while they're having fun. So, go ahead, get involved in 4-H - and have some fun!